Coffee News Advertising Benefits
There are many positive reasons to advertise your local business in Coffee News. Here are just a few of Coffee News advertising benefits that provide local effective, exclusive, and affordable advertising to small and medium-sized businesses. With a new issue every week, your ad will be seen again and again by customers in your area! Grow your business through the power of effective, affordable advertising.
Great reasons to advertise in Coffee News today!
Exclusive – Lock out your competition! We only allow one company per category to advertise with us. Your competitors are not allowed in, promoting you as the industry leader.
Effective – Coffee News® is seen three meals a day, seven days a week, and readership is 5-7 times the number of copies distributed. Coffee News® allows you to reach a large, targeted audience. The advantage of local advertising.
Affordable – With Coffee News®, you are targeting your local clients, and not paying for markets that you are not in. Coffee News® manages to reach the highest concentration of potential customers of any media, for a fraction of the cost!
More “Bang For The Buck” – Ads are very affordable in comparison to other media and provide a high return on your investment.
It’s Positive – Coffee News® provides businesses the benefits of advertising next to good news, reflecting them in a positive light.
It’s Targeted – Ads are seen three meals a day, seven days a week. Businesses can target loyal, local customers who have disposable income. The consistency of the message brings results! Repetition = Recognition
High Visibility – Each copy is read 5-7 times because it is shared and reused! Ads rotate each week to maximize the visibility and effectiveness of your message.
It’s Local – Each edition has a local “What’s Happening Events” as the main feature. Local contests also drive readers to our fun restaurant magazine. Advertisers are local businesses in the community.
Free Online exposure – Local publishers will not only ruin your advertisement in their printed magazine but supplement that effort by placing your ad on their local web sites and Social Media entities. Advertisement benefits only Coffee News Magazine can offer.
Nationwide or Provincewide advertising? Click here!